(A Brad e Janet vengono dati degli strofinacci)

("What do you say when Frank fucks you?")

JANET: Thank you.

("What do you say when Frank fucks you?")

BRAD: Thank you very much.

(Columbia e Riff Raff cominciano a spogliare Brad e Janet)

JANET: Oh! Brad!

BRAD: It's all right Janet. We'll play along for now and pull out the aces when the time is right.

COLUMBIA: Slowly, slowly! It's too nice a job to rush.

BRAD: Hi, my name is Brad Majors,


and this is my fiancee, Janet Weiss


You are...

COLUMBIA: You're very lucky to be invited to Frank's laboratory.

Some people would give their right arm for the privilege

.("or their left tit")

BRAD: People like you maybe?

COLUMBIA: Ha! I've seen it.

(Riff Raff versa del vino in un bicchiere, beve un sorso dalla bottiglia)

MAGENTA: Come along - the master doesn't like to be kept waiting. Shift it.

("Eih, Riff, drop it")

(Riff lascia cadere la bottiglia)

("thank you")

(in ascensore)

JANET (rivolta a Magenta): Is he - Frank, I mean - your husband?

RIFF RAFF: The master is not yet married, nor do I think he ever shall be.

We are simply his




(scendono dall'ascensore)

("Virgin first, Asshole second.... Abbiamo detto prima le vergini!")

("What is your favourite color?")

FRANK: Magenta,

("Where do you get your drugs?")


go assist Riff Raff


I will entertain... erm... (ridacchia)

(viene inquadrato Brad)

BRAD: Brad Majors.


And this is my fiancee, Janet Veiss.


BRAD: Weiss um

("Say something in French!")

FRANK: Enchantè.

(Janet sorride)

FRANK: Well! -How nice-. And what charming underclothes you both have.

But here. Put these (camici bianchi) on. They'll make you feel less



It's not often we receive visitors here, let alone offer them... hospitality

BRAD: Hospitality?! All we wanted to do is to use your telephone,

God dammit, a reasonable request which you've chosen to ignore.

JANET: Brad, don't be ungrateful.

BRAD: Ungrateful!

(Quando Brad si toglie gli occhiali: "Superman!")

FRANK: How forceful you are, Brad.

Such a perfect specimen of manhood. So...



You must be awfully proud of him, Janet.

("Hey Janet, sei una zoccola?")

JANET: Well, yes I am. (ride)

FRANK: Do you have tattoos, Brad?

BRAD: Certainly not!

FRANK: Oh well, how about you? (a Janet)

JANET: No. (ridendo)

RIFF RAFF: Everything is in readiness, master. We merely await your (pausa) word.