FRANK: Well really. That's no way to behave on your first day out.
("of the closet")
ROCKY: Ugh Ugh (mugola come un cucciolo di cane)
FRANK: But since you're such an exceptional beauty,
I am prepared to forgive you.
ROCKY: Ugh Ugh (applauso)
("Hey Rocky, batti il tempo!")
(Rocky batte sulle sbarre)
FRANK: Oh, I just love success.
RIFF RAFF: He's a credit to your genius , master.
MAGENTA: A triumph of your will.
("Ma sei scema?!?!")
("Ragno!" oppure, a scelta: "Scarafaggio!").
(Frank colpisce la vasca)
O.K.?! I think we can't do better than that. Humph!
("Why don't you ask Brad and Janet?")
Well, Brad and Janet, what do you think of him?
("Lie Janet!!")
JANET: Well, I don't like a man with too many muscles.
("Just one, big one")
FRANK: I didn't make him... for you!
He carries the Charles Atlas seal of approval.
Charles Atlas Song
FRANK: A weakling weighing ninety-eight pounds
Will get sand in his face
When kicked to the ground;
ROCKY: Ugh... Ugh...
FRANK: And soon in the gym with a determined chin,
The sweat from his pores
as he works for his cause
Will make him glisten
and gleam.
And with massage,
and just a little bit of steam,
(Tutti in coro, cantilenando: "You missed, you missed, now you've got to kiss it!")
He'll be pink and quite clean
He'll be a strong man.
Oh honey...
ALL: But the wrong man.
FRANK: He'll eat nutritious high protein. And swallow raw eggs...
Try to build up his shoulders, his chest, arms, and... legs
Such an effort if he only knew of my plan.
In just seven days...
("and seven nights")
FRANK & TRANSYLVANIANS: I can make you a man.
FRANK: He'll do press-ups, and chin-ups, do the snatch, clean and jerk
He thinks dynamic tension must be hard work.
Such strenuous living I just don't understand,
When in just seven days...
("and seven nights")
I can make you a man.
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