Riedizione speciale - sulla scorta del successo del cofanetto in Dvd - per le tre colonne sonore dei tre film originali riproposte in versione integrale e restaurata pubblicate in due Cd ciascuna! Qualcosa da non perdere per la qualità del suono, la bellezza delle musiche e - anche - per la cartolina da collezione inclusa in ogni Cd.

Tracce contenute nei tre album:

Guerre Stellari - Episodio IV - Una nuova speranza

Disc: 1

1. 20th Century Fox Fanfare

2. Main Title/Rebel Blockade Runner

3. Imperial Attack

4. Dune Sea of Tatooine/Jawa Sandcrawler

5. Moisture Farm

6. Hologram/Binary Sunset

7. Landspeeder Search/Attack of the Sand People

8. Tales of a Jedi Knight/Learn About the Force

9. Burning Homestead

10. Mos Eisley Spaceport

Disc: 2

1. Princess Leia's Theme

2. Millennium Falcon/Imperial Cruiser Pursuit

3. Destruction of Alderaan

4. Death Star/The Stormtroopers

5. Wookiee Prisoner/Detention Block Ambush

6. Shootout in the Cell Bay/Dianoga

7. Trash Compactor

8. Tractor Beam/Chasm Crossfire

9. Ben Kenobi's Death/Tie Fighter Attack

10. Battle of Yavin

Guerre Stellari - Episodio V - L'impero colpisce ancora

1. 20th Century Fox Fanfare

2. Main Title/The Ice Planet Hoth

3. Wampa's Lair/Vision of Obi-Wan/Snowspeeders Take Flight

4. Imperial Probe/Aboard the Executor

5. Battle of Hoth (Ion Cannon/Imperial Walkers/Beneath the At-At/Escape in

6. Asteroid Field

7. Arrival on Dagobah

8. Luke's Nocturnal Visitor

9. Han Solo and the Princess

10. Jedi Master Revealed/Mynock Cave

Disc: 2

1. Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme)

2. Yoda's Theme

3. Attacking a Star Destroyer

4. Yoda and the Force

5. Imperial Starfleet Deployed/City in the Clouds

6. Lando's Palace

7. Betrayal at Bespin

8. Deal With the Dark Lord

9. Carbon Freeze/Darth Vader's Trap/Departure of Boba Fett

10. Clash of Lightsabers

Guerre Stellari - Episodio VI - Il ritorno dello Jedi

Disc: 1

1. 20th Century Fox Fanfare

2. Main Title/Approaching the Death Star/Tatooine Rendezvous

3. Droids Are Captured

4. Bounty for a Wookiee

5. Han Solo Returns

6. Luke Confronts Jabba/Den of the Rancor/Sarlacc Sentence

7. Pit of Carkoon/Sail Barge Assault

8. Emperor Arrives/The Death of Yoda/Obi-Wan's Revelation

9. Alliance Assembly

10. Shuttle Tydirium Approaches Endor

Disc: 2

1. Parade of the Ewoks

2. Luke and Leia

3. Brother and Sister/Father and Son/The Fleet Returns Hyperspace/Heroic E

4. Emperor's Throne Room

5. Battle of Endor (Into the Trap/Forest Ambush/Scout Walker Scramble/Prim

6. Lightsaber/The Ewok Battle

7. Battle of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded-The Duel Begins/Overtaking the Bunk

8. Battle of Endor III (Superstructure Chase/Darth Vader's Death/The Main

9. Leia's News/Light of the Force

10. Victory Celebration/End Title