Ha una lunga tradizione il Premio BSFA, persino un paio d'anni più lunga del Premio Italia, venendo assegnato dal 1970, durante la convention nazionale di fantascienza del Regno Unito, la Eastercon, che per tradizione dal 1955 si tiene il giorno di Pasqua.
Tra i finalisti a questo prestigioso premio quest'anno c'è anche un'autrice francese – o meglio, franco-vietnamita – nota in Italia, Aliette de Bodard.
Premio BSFA – Finalisti 2025
- Wole Talabi, Unquiet on the Eastern Front
- Fiona Moore, The Portmeirion Road
- Isabelle Kim, Why Don’t We Just Kill the Kid in the Omelas Hole
- Aliya Whiteley Luna Press Publishing, Intrinsic – Extrinsic – Terrific
Romanzo breve
- Aliette de Bodard, Navigational Entanglements
- Neil Williamson, Charlie Says
- Fiona Moore, What Happened at the Pony Club
- Adrian Tchaikovsky, Saturation Point
- Adrian Tchaikovsky, Alien Clay
- Oliver K Langmead, Calypso
- Fiona Moore, Rabbit in the Moon
- Aliya Whiteley, Three Eight One
Young adult
- Una McCormack, Doctor Who: Caged
- T J Klune, Somewhere Beyond the Sea
- Ann Sei Lin, Rebel Dawn
- Jose Pablo Iriarte, Benny Ramirez and the Nearly Departed
- Jasen Bacon, Punks4Palestine: An Anthology of Hopeful SciFi for an Uncertain Future
- Pippa Goldschmidt, Schrodinger’s Wife (And Other Possiblities)
- Neil Williamson and Andrew Wilson, Nova Scotia Vol 2
- Fiona Moore, Human Resources
- Roz Clarke and Joanne Hall, Fight Like a Girl 2
- Wole Talabi, Convergence Problems
- Emily Inkpen, The Dex Legacy: Swarm & Shadows of Trauma
- Rick Danforth, The Personal Touch
- Chris Chapman, Robert Valentine, Jacqueline Rayner, Doctor Who: The Quin Dilemma
- Helen Marshall e Malcolm Devlin, Torchwood: The Hollow Choir
- Addison Smith, Mother Death Learns a Trick
- Kelly Chong, cover di Fathomfolk
- Jenni Coutts, cover di Nova Scotia Vol 2
- Fangorn, cover di A Jura for Julia
- Fangorn, cover di ParSec Magazine #11
- Ted Chiang, Why A.I. Isn’t Going to Make Art
- Yasmin Kana, Beyond Conventions: Unleashing the Palestinian Struggle Through the Science Fiction Lens
- Liz Bourke, Considering the Cosy Turn in SFF: Who Gets to be Comforted?
- Eugen Bacon, An Afrofuturistic Dystopia and the Afro-irreal
- S J Groenewegen, Science Fiction and Abolishing the Police
- Chris M Barkley e Jason Sanford, The 2023 Hugo Awards: A Report on Censorship and Exclusion
- Jo Lindsey Walton, Machine Learning in Contemporary Science Fiction
- Abigail Nussbaum, Track Changes
- Tiffani Angus and Val Nolan, Spec Fic for Newbies Vol 2: A Beginner’s Guide to Writing More Subgenres of Science Fiction
- John Clute, The Book Blinders
- Paul Kincaid, Keith Roberts’s Pavane: A Critical Companion
- JG Ballard’s Crash: A Critical Companion by Paul March Russell
Romanzo in traduzione
- Celia Corral-Vázquez, The Coffee Machine, tradotto dallo spagnolo da Sue Burke
- Mónika Rusval, Bone by Bone, tradotto dall'ungherese da Vivien Urban
- K.A. Teryna, Songs of the Snow Whale, tradotto dal russo da Alex Shvartsman
- Shen Dacheng, The Rambler, tradotto dal cinese da Cara Healey
- Liliana Colanzi, You Glow in the Dark, tradotto dallo spagnolo da Chris Andrews
- Nora Nagi, Unicorn 2512, tradotto dall'arabo da Mayada Ibrahim
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